Designed for printing directly on to Nylon and other synthetic fabrics such as polyester and cottons and polyester/cotton blends. These inks offer excellent adhesion, flexibility and covering power. It is recommended that they are cured as a two pack catalysed system to achieve the best results, although they may be used uncatalysed where less demand is put on the performance of the ink.
In stock and available to ship on overnight delivery to most parts of the U.K. Postcode and area restrictions apply.
Technical Data
Printing: All types of stencils are suitable except Stenplex Amber and solvent fix films. Using a 43T mesh 15 sq m/kg coverage may be expected. Larger mesh sizes will give stronger transferred prints
Thinners: Thinner R102
Retarder R187
Mixing: When using these inks as a catalysed system, the following ratio for mixing should be used -
Ink 9 parts by weight
Catalyst 1 part by weight
Once mixed a pot life of approximately 8 hours can be expected depending on temperature. Excess catalyst can result in extended cure time and tacky surface. Certain materials may be treated with water resistant chemicals which may affect the adhesion of the inks, therefore testing prior to a production run is recommended
Drying: Air dry in 40-60 minutes, depending on ambient temperature, followed by racking overnight. Inks may be forced dried at 100°C for 2-3 minutes
Uses: Nylons, polyesters, cottons, cotton/polyester blends